When is registration?

  •  Registration starts on February 7 and takes place on-line. Registration will close March 23, 2025
    • Note that we can not guarantee acceptance for players registering past March 31, 2024 as this is a hard deadline to support MMLL team formation in early April
    • Team formation with Metro Minor (MMLL) will take place on or around April 6, 2024

What is the mailing address?

  • St. Margaret's Bay Storm Lacrosse, 470 Brookside Road, Brookside NS, B3T 1T4

Where Does My Player Play?

New in 2024 from the MMLL - The start of the 2024 Box Lacrosse season is around the corner and our Member Associations (MAs) have opened up for registration. For 2024, as MMLL and its MAs transition to a new registration and website system (RAMP) the MAs will be collecting proof of residency for all players - both new and returning. This will allow each MA to have the information on file and will save time in future registration periods. Per the MMLL Regulations on Residency accepted documents for proof of residency are:

  • Property tax bill where primary residency grant has been claimed
  • Power bill
  • Phone bill
  • If none of the above documents can be provided because the parent/guardian rents and does not pay own utilities, then the following shall apply
    • A letter from the Landlord verifying rental agreement

Please note - All players must register with the minor Association based upon the area where they reside as of April1 of the playing season. Players may not play in any games under the jurisdiction of the MMLL before the player has registered with their member Association.


If I registered with Storm, am I guaranteed to play for Storm?

  • As with many sports this is dependent on the number of players registered with Storm for your particular division.
  • If there are not enough players for your age division, you will either be released from Storm so you can play with another assocaition or Storm will combind our players with another association to make one team so our players stay together whether or not they play with our association.
  • FEMALE DIVISONS:  Please note, because the female divisions are still growing, there are not always enough female players in one association to form a team.  When this occurs, the Female Director for Metro Minor Lacrosse League (www.mmll.ca) is responsible for forming mixed association teams.  Storm takes these actions very seriously, and plays a big role ensuring Storm players stay together, and that the association players play with is appropriate for where our players live. Female players always have the option to play in the other divisions.
  • If you are a Storm player that played with a different association last year, you must still register with Storm this year.

Can a player register for a division below/above their age division?

  • A player can NOT play below their age division.
  • A player can play above their age division.  Refer to www.mmll.ca and look at Regulation 5 Player Movement under the OPERATING RULES tab.

Can a female player register for a male team (Club or Select)?

  • Yes.  Club and Select teams are co-ed.
  • NOTE 1:  Males can NOT register for a female team as the Female Division plays by modified rules for the sole purpose of encouraging girls to play lacrosse.
  • NOTE 2:  At the National level, males and females play with the same rule book (there are no separate rules for females).

When does the season start? end?

  • Starts: First week of May.
  • Ends:  Depending on the Division, league play ends anywhere between the end of June (Tykes) and the end of July (U11/13/15/17).
  • Play-offs start after league play is completed in July.

How many games/practices?

  • Storm attempts to provide each team with one practice per week during the season at the LeBrun Centre in Bedford. These are planned for Tuesdays and Thursdays. Additional floor time may be available from time to time and you will be given the opportunity to join additional sessions if and when they are available.
  • Home and away games will happen at the Spryfield Arena, RBC Center, Cole Harbour Place, Sackville Arena, or the Musquodoboit Community Center.
  • Tykes have ten on floor sessions for practices/games plus two potential Jamborees (not play-off games)  
  • Co-Ed and Girls divisions play 14 games plus play-off games

Where are the games played?

  • Storm does not control when our teams play their games.  This is decided by Metro Minor Lacrosse League (www.mmll.ca) after all the Lacrosse Associations have submitted their numbers for the season.  Thus the game schedule is generally UNKNOWN until about a week before the season starts.  In 2024, the first games start the very first week of May.

My child wants to play goalie, but I do not have any equipment.

  • No problem.  Goalie equipment is provided by the association and must be returned in good condition at the end of the season.
    • Gear rentals will require a nominal deposit
  • Goalies must provide the following themselves: hockey (goalie) pants, jill/cup (goalie), goalie/hockey gloves and helmet with face mask.

What happens when a team does not have a goalie?

  • When this happens, then the position of goalie is rotated through all the players on the team.

What is available in the box lacrosse off-season (August - March)

  • August - November:  Field Lacrosse
    • Men's Field Lacrosse www.nsfll.ca (for both boys and girls)
    • Women's Field Lacrosse www.nswfll.ca (website comming soon)
  • October - April:  Off-Season Training for players interested in trying out for a provincial team (www.lacrossens.ca)
  • October - December:  Storm Fall Lacrosse depending on volunteer coach availability (www.stormlacrosse.ca)
  • January - March: Storm Winter Lacrosse (www.stormlacrosse.ca)

Where do I find lacrosse equipment?

  • If you're looking for lacrosse gear, you have a few options. Big box stores like Cleve's, SportChek and Pro Hockey Life have limited selection but you will find gear there. If you're looking for more expertise and selection, we recommend SportWheels (www.sportwheels.ca) for your equipment. If you're looking to have your head restrung, we reccomend the McDonald brothers at Eleget. If you need direction, please don't hesitate to reach out to stormlacrosseequipment@gmail.com for guidance. Equipment required includes:

    • Mouth guard (required to step on the floor)
    • Athletic jock or jill
    • Sneakers
    • Storm shorts (provided in U11/13/15/17)
    • Storm jersey (provided in U11/13/15/17)
    • Storm pinnie (provided in U7/9)
    • Kidney pads
    • Wrist pads
    • Elbow pads
    • Bicep guards
    • Shoulder pads
    • Helmet and cage
    • Gloves
    • Stick

As a parent, I have never played Lacrosse before but I want to help out where I can.  What can I do?

  • Just about anything you want!  We would be happy to have you.
  • Lacrosse is enjoying rapid growth, and there is a lot of opportunties at the team, club, association and provinical level to get involved and help out.
  • If you have experience as a coach in another sport (hockey, basketball, ringette, soccer, etc) and wish to get involved, we will provide you with a course and pair you up with another person who knows the game and can provide mentorship and guidance thoughout the season.
  • See our Executive for contacts.

I am a coach with another sport.  Can I coach lacrosse?

  • Yes, but having previous coaching experience is not a requirement.  
  • Storm is always looking for coaches, assistant coaches, managers, and door openers for games.
  • All coaches are required to be:
    • NCCP Lacrosse trained (paid by Storm)   
    • Community Development Trained (Level 1 coaching)
    • Storm prefers all Bantam, Midget, Intermediate and Junior coaches to be Competitive Introduction Trained (Level 2 coaching)
    • All coaches must submit for a criminal background check
    • All coaches need to be SafeSport certified
  • Training is generally organized thru Lacrosse Nova Scotia and takes place over two days in Mar/Apr and includes on-floor training as well as classroom

I am a hockey referee.  Can I referee lacrosse?

  • Not right away, but we can put you on the path to certification to help keep those extra funds coming in.
  • Check out www.mmll.ca for officiating information.

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